Artillery Street Evangelical Church
A Bible based, God centered church proclaiming the full counsel of God. “Stewards of the varied grace of God”. (1 Peter 4:10). A community of ordinary people from different walks of life, who love and worship an extraordinary God in spirit and in truth. We love Him because He first loved us, and we seek to make Him known in all the world.
We preach and teach the 66 books of the Old and New Testament as the fully inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and complete Word of God.
Where we meet
12a Artillery Street
When we meet
Sunday Mornings for Worship: 11h00
Sunday Evenings for Worship: 17h00
(Except for the 3rd Sunday of every month – when we have a fellowship lunch and communion service after the morning service)
Wednesday Evenings for Bible Study & Prayer: 19h30
How we meet
There’s no dress code, come as you are!
We read the word, sing the word, pray the word, preach the word, and fellowship together. Tea, Coffee and other refreshments are served after our services.
We have a facility for parents with small children. Books and quiet toys are available for the children, and parents are able to hear the service.